Meet A Mom – Michelle Garcia | Kingwood Moms

Meet a Mom

Michelle Garcia


Meet Michelle

I am a 39-year-old stay-at-home mommy to my Layla & Ethan & wife to my husband Robert of 6 years. I was born & raised in Houston Texas and live in the northern area of Houston. I was hesitant to become a Zumbini instructor but after careful consideration, I thought “Why not”?  I’ve been doing Zumbini at home with my daughter since she was a baby & now my son loves it! I love how my daughter hums some of the music while she’s quietly playing or coloring. My son drums on anything around him when he hears the music or wants me to pick him to dance!  I’m so excited to introduce this program to Houston & surrounding areas!
A few upcoming classes/ sessions are:
Thursday’s- April 11 to April 25 @ Bear Branch Rec Center in The Woodlands ($20 per class) 10am
Monday- April 15 @ Mercer Botanic Gardens (free) 11:30am
Monday- April 22 @ Barbara Bush Library (free) 10:30am
Thursday’s- May 2 to May 23 @ Bear Branch Rec Center in The Woodlands ($20 per class) 10am
Monday- May 13 @ Barbara Bush Library (free) 10:30am
Monday- May 30 @ Mercer Botanic Gardens (free) 11:30am
Wednesday- June 12 @ The Children’s Museum (free with admission)
Wednesday- July 10 @ The Children’s Museum (free with admission)
For the Woodlands sessions, please register on The Woodlands Township webpage
For the Mercer Gardens, please register on the Mercer Botanic Gardens webpage
For the library classes, please register on the Zumbini webpage

“Some adults may think a baby can’t learn from this class.. a reason this class is beneficial, especially for babies is because they are fast learners! Before they were born, a baby can hear their mother’s heartbeat, so a beat is already something familiar. They also hear music, sounds & voices from the outside. As fast as they can learn to nurse or suck a pacifier, they can also learn quickly about music & learning early on! Many classes I’ve come across is more for toddlers & not so much babies which is a BIG reason I wanted to teach even more!”

Get to know Michelle

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?
One word to describe me is “planner”! I live off of my calendar and enjoy making plans. I typically don’t enjoy last-minute ideas or plans.
What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A surprising fact about me before becoming a stay-at-home mommy is I was in banking for 15 years! I started as a part-time teller & ended up as an Operations Specialist. In between those positions, I’ve been in numerous spots such as teller supervisor, loan processor, call center, back office & more. I definitely enjoyed learning all about the finance world.
Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you along your motherhood journey?

The good Lord & my husband is to thank for my motherhood journey! My husband wasn’t sure if we would be able to afford for me to stay home but God has helped us manage now for more than 4 years.

Your best shortcut or routine for helping you through parenthood?

Daily Routine for sure helps me through everyday parenthood. My kids know as soon as we wake up what needs to happen. The day before, I always tell my babies what we are doing the next day so they know what to expect (which is why I love my calendar so much).

What advice would you give to the “old you” before you had kids?

I would certainly tell my old self to enjoy life & have fun (that’s pretty much what I did anyway). Once marriage & children enter life, everything changes! It’s no longer about “you” anymore.

Can you tell us the story behind the name Zumbini with Shelly D? What inspired you to start this business?

The reason I chose Zumbini with ShellyD is because Shelly is my nickname and the D comes from Desiree, my middle name. I was named after my grandfather (Michael Ray) who passed away 1 month before I was born.

What are the main benefits of Zumbini that people might not be aware of?

One thing about Zumbini is that it was created from Zumba (so there is a little flare) and BabyFirst which is a children’s channel. Zumbini is also offered on some Carnival cruises! Zumba Kids is another program for children ages 7-11. The benefits of Zumbini first & foremost is the bonding you get with your child/ children! Life gets the best of everyone at some point & our kiddos grow up so fast so if 45 minutes with your little one dancing, singing, and learning can help bring you & your child closer, then why not?  There are 4 volumes/ seasons of original music per year so every quarter, volumes change so children don’t get bored with the same music all year! The volumes are named after Zumbini’s 4 characters, Kalino, TJ, Hili and Jose. Zumbini also helps with cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skills & emotional development.

How does your personal experience as a mom influence your approach to organizing spaces?

I believe organizing has always been a strong factor of mine. How I organize everything before children has very much helped me organize as a mother. It also helps me understand that other mothers may forget or remember just as much as I do. We’re not alone!

Many people find it challenging to find day to day activities for their small children. What advice do you have for someone who wants to connect with their babies through music and dance but might not know where to start?

In January 2020, my daughter was born so until 2021, it was just me & her most of the time. I noticed once we started going out & around other family and friends that she freaked out EVERY TIME! She was scared of people, vehicles, sounds. That’s when I noticed I have to get her out & about more so she can feel comfortable outside her home. I found a free, 30-minute art class for her age & signed her up! I was scared myself leaving our home but it was needed for my daughter’s growth. She was a year and a half when I first took her, she’s 4 now. I also take my 1-year-old son. Then I realized that public libraries have so many free events also for children of all ages. I would recommend for families that may not know where to start, search for facilities near you that have children’s programs. Do a free class or maybe pay a small fee until you get comfortable. My daughter enjoys getting out of the house & we’re doing events at least 5 times a week!


Can you walk us through the process of working with a client? What can someone expect when they attend Zumbini?

If you sign up for Zumbini, know you & your little’s are very important! It means so much that you have taken the time to wake up, get dressed & ready for my class, WOW! You will receive a Welcome Letter, information, session schedule & my contact info. Expect to participate with your child the whole class while we sing, dance, play instruments & enjoy the 1 on 1 time.

What tips or tricks can you offer to help our readers?

Tips & tricks I can offer is to have an open mind. I know we as adults may not want to get on the floor or do goofy dances anymore but it means SO MUCH to your child. Who cares what anyone thinks? Your children are little once so enjoy them as much as possible with whatever makes them happy!

Lastly, what advice would you give to someone who is considering coming to a Zumbini Class, but is hesitant to take the first step?
If someone is hesitant to take that first step toward Zumbini, don’t! Search for Zumbini videos on BabyFirst or YouTube to have an idea of what to expect. At the end of every episode, it says to find a live class near you. Well, good thing I’m around now! You don’t have to be the best singer or dancer to enjoy this class. I offer free classes once or twice a month if you’d like to try it out first. I do offer paid & private sessions that help the child more with instruction as repetition is key. You & your child will probably sing some songs while at home too! Just be ready to have fun and enjoy your child most likely taking a nap after class so quiet time for you!

Happy Hour for you & Your Baby!

Music, Dance & Educational tools for 45 Minutes of can’t-stop, won’t-stop bonding and fun. Tap your toes, sing-along, and get lost in the only program to combine early-childhood development with the magical job of Zumba.

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