Tell us your name of you and your business.
Fred Astaire Dance Studios
Alexandros Armaos, Studio Director
Fred Astaire Lake Houston (Chronos Arts, LLC)
International Dance Council Member – Examiner
NDCA & WDC Adjudicator/Invigilator
ISTD International and American Style Examination Trainer
Share your business.
Fred Astaire- Lake Houston
Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in the area?
Athens Greece, 11 years since 2009
What brought you to do your business?
Ah! It was pretty random, I was at a friend’s birthday party and his mother started dancing ChaChaCha and I asked her what it was. Naturally the next day I was in her living room and learning how to dance before I start officially at a dance studio. As a shy and introverted child back then, I found it personally liberating and full of healing to be able to do something that I can express myself through movement, in the same time building my social skills and able to interact I ll tell you what, my parents were glad that I had this tool as a teenager as they didn’t have to worry about anything else. Hehe.
When did the idea of creating your business start? How long have you been in business?
I have been in the dance industry for 20 years, with Fred Astaire Dance Studios for the last 11 years, since I moved to USA, and as an owner since August 2014. I wanted to create my own business and add my vision to my dance studio on how I could better serve our students by utilizing dance as a tool to have fun and change their lives and of course creating a fun working environment that is based on empowerment and principles.
What do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur?
That I get to be creative, have fun with it, make mistakes, learn from them, and make new ones. I enjoy that there is such a range of tools for you to discover and this learning process is my goal for each day as well as getting to meet people and learn from their own experiences.
What is your favorite part about what you do?
That we transform people through dance, at first they think of dance as a “Fun” thing to do, but in reality, they get so many benefits out of it, either in their relationship or emotional, mental, physical or spiritual and seeing their life-transforming through dance is what keeps me going and makes my heart smile! Meeting their goals and seeing the progress make us super proud of our students.
What does the future look like for you and your business?
No matter what, dance will always be an essential part for people, as its always been since ancient times. People think that dance is a “Want” but it actually is a “Need”. It fulfills us emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, it gives us community, belonging, a safe space to express ourselves, make friends, laugh, and hug and be our true selves as we are trying to keep the every day personals aside for a bit. (such as parenthood, worker, etc)
What advice would you give to others that want to start something new?
I would say, don’t be afraid and hesitate to start this hobby, most people wait and time passes by. Everyone can earn how to Ballroom/Social Dance and we wouldn’t set you up for failure. Dance can heal people on so many levels and I see this daily! It’s the reason why I am doing it.
To learn more about classes offered at Fred Astaire-Lake Houston
Ph: 281.913.2623