Meet A Mom: Sophie Macey: Bayou City Interpreting - Kingwood Moms

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Kingwood?
I was born and raised in Atascocita. I love it so much, I decided to raise my family here. Going on 32 years.

Child(ren) and Age(s)?

I have 4 kids.

 Ezra 8

Levi 6

Asher 4

Eden 2

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
I have never had a cup of coffee in my life. IN MY LIFE!! I am living proof you can run a business and raise 4 kids on water and lemon!

What is your go-to activity for yourself for pampering or for fun?
Pampering- you can find me getting a pedicure and a massage. I have recently discovered facials are sent from God. Fun- do naps count?

Funniest shortcut/routine for helping you through parenthood?
I hope I don’t get a lot of flak for this- but my kids do not get daily baths, and guess what, my kids are rarely sick. So want a hack to keep your kids out of the doctor? Maybe start skipping bath time. HA!

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the
corporate world? Please share!
I am a Certified Sign Language Interpreter. I received my Associates of Applied Science from Lonestar College in Interpreter Training Technology.  I have worked as an Independent Contractor since 2008. In January 2017 I made a huge leap of Faith and started my own business, Bayou City Interpreting LLC. At the time, I had no idea how the company would grow. Two years later, I have 7 full time contractors and several part time contractors who work with BCI.

How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
I want to specifically talk about how this area has been instrumental in my business. Lake Houston Chamber of Commerce- specifically Mark Mitchell, helped me overcome a time after Hurricane Harvey that looked impossible to overcome. My business was only 8 months old at the time, and took a HUGE financial blow due to school closures. Schools were closed for 8 days, and that was capital I would never regain. When school did open back up, Accounts Payable was behind on paying invoices. I was met with payroll for my contractors, but next to no money in the bank. I was at a loss. No one would loan to me since I had not been in business for two years. Even though I had several invoices showing that money was due to BCI, I could not find one place to take a chance on me. I reached out to Robert Sitton and he pointed me in the direction of Mark Mitchell who through many applications, and denials FINALLY found LiftFund who would take a chance on my new small business. Lake Houston rallied around me, and to this day support me like no other. I am forever grateful for this wonderful community!!

What is the best advice for juggling mommyhood and running a business (or volunteering,
working, etc)?
Say “No.” Say no more than you say yes. It has taken me 9 years to figure this out, and I am still working on it. Life demands so much, and you are pulled in so many directions. I recently heard that if the decision you are about to make is not a “Hell YES!” Then it is a “No.” THAT has changed my life.

What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids?
I would look her square in the eyes and say, “SLOW DOWN.”

What is your proudest mommy moment?
My oh my! Just one? How about my son taking it upon himself to pee on a tree at the community pool this past weekend. In all seriousness, I feel like every day I am met with little moments that make me so proud.

Greatest gift about being a mom? Unconditional love. Sometimes, more often than I would like to admit, I am a not “The World’s Greatest Mom.” I lose my cool, my patience runs out, and you know what? My kids still think I hung the moon. I know that at the end of the day they are going to wrap their arms around me, give me a kiss, and tell me how much they love me. Is there a greater gift?

Best mom hack that makes mommin’ easier?
I once heard if your child is acting crabby, throw them in water. IT WORKS! So when kids are just too much for me to handle, off to the tub we go

What’s your favorite part about what you do?
I absolutely love interpreting. My aunt laughs at me because she says I am in the 1% of the population who actually loves what they do for a living. I am absolutely blessed to get to do what I do for a living.

What is your favorite thing to do in the HKA area?
In the Summer you will find us at the community pool almost daily. Chimichurris is my favorite restaurant of all time; however, Asian City is a close second. This community is the absolute best!


If you are interested in learning more check out Bayou City Interpreting on facebook

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