Meet A Mom: Stephanie Lynch-"Son Shine Kitchen" - Kingwood Moms

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Kingwood? 
– We have been in Texas for just over four years now. I am originally from North Fort Myers in Southwest
Florida, and moved to Orlando to attend the University of Central Florida (Go Knights!) where I met my
husband and my oldest son was born.

Child(ren) and Age(s)?
– Tyler is 5 1/2 and Ryan just turned 4

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
– I played Varsity Golf all four years of high school and miss playing. I’m also a fan of NHRA Drag Racing
and used to go to the races every year in Florida.

What is your go-to activity for yourself for pampering or for fun?
– Reading. I love to read and could curl up on the couch or outside on a nice warm day (preferably at the
beach) and just read all day long.
– Scrapbooking. I have been a scrapbooker since I was about 10 years old when my mom started into it
as a business. I’ve done traditional books and digital books and love them both.

Funniest shortcut/routine for helping you through parenthood?
– Everything becomes a song. We sing a lot of songs from Daniel Tiger and Disney while changing the
words to fit what we need at the time. Also, my boys love to see how fast they can do things, so we set a
timer to see how quickly they can get dressed, make their beds, etc.

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the
corporate world? Please share!
– I run two blogs. The first one is called Son Shine Kitchen ( which is a blog
full of my recipes and the food we make. It’s called “son” shine because my boys both love to help in the
kitchen, so there are often photos of them either cooking or taste-testing as well.
– My second blog is a new endeavor called No Waste Kitchen ( This blog is
about learning to reduce and/or eliminate the amount of waste produced in the kitchen. We have a huge
problem with plastics and other waste on the planet right now, so my family is trying to do what we can
to cut that down from our household. There are tips, tricks, ideas, and product recommendations on
there for those who want to start the journey as well.
– I also volunteer a lot of time at my son’s elementary school. I am the yearbook coordinator on PTO
which means I am there to photograph every event, edit the photos, design the book, coordinate sales,
distribution, and anything else that comes with the yearbook. It’s a lot of work, but I absolutely enjoy it.
How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
– I have met some amazing people in our area. I am part of a women’s entrepreneur group that meets
monthly, so we can build each other up and work our businesses together. There’s a lot more opportunity
to meet with like-minded people in a city this big!

What is the best advice for juggling mommyhood and running a business (or volunteering,
working, etc)?
– Have a schedule. My husband and I both work from home, so we go through our calendar every Sunday
evening to plan the week ahead. Who is getting the kids to/from school? What days do we have
meetings? What dinners are we making all week? Which days are there events at the school I need to
photograph? And once all that is figured out, we block out time to work for each of us.

What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids?
– Parenting is not easy. There are days you may hate it. But those little ones will change your life in ways
you will never know. The amount of love you can have for someone so small is like nothing else in this
world. It will be tough, but it will always be worth it.

What is your proudest mommy moment?
– It’s not a particular moment, but watching my boys be good people. They (usually) will help each other
when they need it, and are always concerned about our family and friends. They both have compassion
in them that makes me proud to be their mom.

Greatest gift about being a mom?
– Raising the next generation of leaders. The news is full of so many wrong things in this world, and I
hope to raise my boys to see the light in others and in the world.

Best mom hack that makes momming easier?
– Teach independence. I love that my boys still need me for so many things, but they also have such a
sense of accomplishment when they learn to do things on their own. My youngest has been making his
bed on his own for a year now. It’s not always perfect, but he does it himself. They learn how to do basic
necessities of life, it takes a little bit off my plate, and they know they can do it.
– Also, if your kids enjoy baths and tend to make a mess, get a double shower curtain rod. Or just put up
a second one. Get a clear shower liner on the inside rod and your decorative shower curtain on the
outside. Then, when they are in the tub, you can close the clear liner to help keep water in the tub but
still be able to see them since it’s clear! Then, when they aren’t in the bath, close the shower curtain so
it still looks nice.

What’s your favorite part about what you do?
– As a mom: the love and snuggles. My boys aren’t particularly snuggly, but knowing the love I have for
them and the way they love me back, even on my worst days, is unparalleled.
– As a blogger: creating delicious meals for my family while also helping other families get real food on
the table. Most of my recipes are fairly easy to make, so almost anyone can find something new to try

What is your favorite thing to do in the HKA area?
– We love to go on an “adventure” and hike through East End Park in Kingwood.

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