Meet A Mom: Quinn Kelly - Kingwood Moms

Quinn Kelly

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Kingwood?
I have lived in several cities in Kansas because my dad was a pastor so we moved around a lot when I was younger. But I most consider the small town of Parsons, KS to be my main home! It makes me smile.

Child(ren) and Age(s)?
I have 4 boys that age in range from 9 to 2 years old!

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
I decided to have my first son naturally and was the girl you see in movies yelling at everyone. I even chewed out my Dad for opening a pack of sugar–a story I will never live down. I also told the doctor I was going to push while laying down on my side. He said that probably wouldn’t work and I yelled again. Needless to say, instead of going more natural with my next three births…I went the opposite way and had epidurals. 

What is your go-to activity for yourself for pampering or for fun?
I like to write if I have a chance, that is therapeutic to me.
I love to get my nails done, when I have a free second and cleaning is relaxing for me.

Funniest shortcut/routine for helping you through parenthood?
The kids have to clean up before moving on to the next activity. We put on a song and they help us clean up while the song is playing.

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the
corporate world? Please share!
I started Sanctification and Spit Up 5 years ago because of motherhood. I felt like I needed to write about all things motherhood. I want to be using my life to bring people closer to God and just help people laugh at motherhood. I think moms just need that sometimes. Even silly stuff, I think that’s important. I love encouraging people from each state (of motherhood) that they are in.

How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
Moving to the Kingwood area from Kansas was one of the best things my family ever did. This community has been so supportive to my writing. I credit this community to helping my blog and ministry grow and empowering me to continue to write and spread the word!

What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids?
I would tell my old self, enjoy the phase your in right now. Every phase has something good to offer. So often, we are trying to rush to the next phase. Enjoy your free time, Go slow at the restaurants and enjoy your stretch mark free tummy.
But know that our stories get better and as our stories continue they get richer and cooler. But enjoy it, all!

What is your proudest mommy moment?
I am proud when I see my boys love each other well. My favorite part about having a big family is that my sons have siblings! My sons are far from perfect, but they pretty perfectly love each other. It’s like an innate instinct to protect each other. The only time I’ve ever seen my oldest son willingly act like he might fight was for his younger brother…and instead of being upset, it warmed my heart. Sibling love is powerful.

 What is your favorite thing to do in the HKA area?
Umm… Does this make me bad to say going to Hippo Burger? I love a big, juicy, greasy burger. It’s one of my all-time favs and Hippo Burger is my burger of choice!

You can learn more about Quinn and follow Sanctification and Spit Up along on Facebook or her website.
Quinn speaks to MOPS groups in the area. Contact her if you’re interested in her coming to you to share her encouraging words to your group of moms.

**If you are attending the Renew Faith Women’s Conference this weekend, Quinn will be speaking. This event was laid on her heart by God. She has been working fearlessly for months to make sure every women attending this weekend has the best time**


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